...In The Middle With You
This poignant piece delves in the nature of human experience. At times light and playful, at times stark and entrancing, the choreography moves us in very personal ways. Live music and a cast of five dancers, lure audiences in, with personal stories of love, friendship, loss and life, energy and physicality to take us to a more muted and abstract experience that becomes highly intimate. Uplifting and inspiring,…in the middle with you makes an emotional poem of everyday life.
Choreography: Hagit Yakira
Performers: Takeshi Matsumoto, Sophie Arstall, Mariana Camiloti, Ben McEwen / Marc Stevenson, Kiraly Saint Claire
Producer: Sarah Shead
Communication manager: Caroline Schrieber
Production assistant: Peta Barrett
Composer: David Leahy
Guest musicians: Domenico Angarano, Vincenzo Lamagna
Rehearsal director: Maika Klaukien
Dramaturge: Inna Eizenberg, Lou Cope
Costume designer: Berit Laageide
Lighting designer: Fay Patterson
Apprentice dancer: Verena Schneider
Production manager: Gene Giron
Installation artists: Laura Narvaez & Lea Collet
Filmmakers: Ivan Bellaroda, Alcada, Robin Laight, Ling Lee
Photographer: Lucy Cash, Rachel Cherry
Flyer and poster design: Italia Rossi & Rita Choudhury
Process mentoring: Lou Cope